Start or boost your Gift Card program with SELP Digital. Increase your traffic in-store and online in no time!

Retailers, Entertainment, Dining, Smart cities
Create and manage your Gift Card program

Physical and digital Gift Card emission

Sell your Gift Cards through our international network of incentive and loyalty partners

Create omnichannel experience with online and offline acceptance

Track your relevant KPIs and performance in real-time through Frizbee back-office
Powered by Frizbee®
The future of Phygital payments
SELP Digital provides digital and physical branded experiences for customers. Thanks to the strength of an international group like SELP, you benefit from end-to-end expertise across the entire Gift Card value chain.
Feature your Gift Cards everywhere consumers shop

B2C Sales
Make your Gift Cards available to your consumers anywhere, anytime

B2B Sales
Make your Gift Cards available for high volume buyers

Make your Gift Cards available in one or many stores
Powered by Frizbee®
Gift Card solutions that add value to your customer's journey
Increase Average Basket
Provide an opportunity for customers to shop for their favourite products with your Gift Cards
Drive Traffic
Retain sales, and create immediate customer satisfaction with prepaid merchandise return cards.
Convert unhappy customers into ambassadors by adding prepaid rewards in your after sales management
Corporate Sales
Increase visibility and boost bulk Gift Card sales
Personalized Rewards
Acquire, engage and make your customers feel special with a prepaid incentive
Employee Rewards
Make prepaid cards a key component of your payroll and employee incentives